Water is Life Kenya's #GivingTuesday Campaign: Help Bring Clean Water to the Boys at Ilkisonko Secondary School!
Donations will fund the purchase and installation of a water pump. At 300 meters, the borehole at Ilkisonko is our deepest-ever project.
$15,399 raised
$15,000 goal
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
We're Solving Ilkisonko's Water Problem - You Can Be Part of the Solution, Too
Our current borehole project has given so many smiles to the students and teachers of the Ilkisonko Boys Secondary School in Loitokitok, Kenya.
Here's the situation at Ilkisonko:
- Ilkisonko Boys Secondary School is one of the largest boys schools in Kajiado County, with over 1,200 students attending. Many students come from far away, so approximately 900 reside at school.
The school has always had a water problem. Loitokitok is in the highlands, and there is little permanent surface water. Water has to be purchased from far away and carried up the hill where the school is. Water is rationed, meaning overnight students can only bathe once a week.
We decided to bring clean water to Ilkisonko. For years, different NGOs and government agencies have promised to solve the problem--but none have. We are committed to seeing our investment through so that reliable, clean water is accessible at the school.
We just completed drilling at Ilkisonko on November 12, 2022. It was our deepest-ever borehole at 300 meters (984 ft.). The drilling was funded by $30,000 clean water grant from the Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities.
We completed test pumping on November 23, 2022, allowing us to determine the appropriate size water pump and generator needed to operate the well effectively.
The next step is buying and installing a water pump, ensuring that not only will water soon be available, but that the borehole will remain functional for years to come.
#GivingTuesday donations will go towards funding the pump installation at Ilkisonko.
This #GivingTuesday, we hope to raise enough money to purchase a water pump for the Ilkisonko borehole. Our goal is to raise $15,000, and every donation helps us get closer to that target.
It costs between $80,000 to $100,000 to complete a sustainable borehole project in our work region. The $15,000 (or more) raised on Giving Tuesday will give this project a necessary boost as we near the holidays.
We’d like to thank all our donors for their continued support over the last 15 years. Our work isn’t done, but with every water project we complete, communities gain resources and tools that improve their standard of living.
Let there be Water and Life in Kenya!
Learn more about what we've already accomplished at Ilkisonko here.